She’d left work to surprise him. A lovely little act of kindness on what would have otherwise been a completely ordinary day. Just another feature-less weekday blended in with all the rest – the palatable home-made protein smoothie of life. A posh afternoon tea from the local fancy-for-the-area cafe that sits on the park. Sandwiches with pickle that isn’t Branston’s. Cheese that isn’t 40% lighter cheddar. Scones with a hint of cinnamon. Homemade tray bakes the likes of which you usually only see on the TV that are the size of an eight-year-old’s hand. How lovely. At least that was the intention. ”I didn’t…” he stumbled. “I…” he added completely without point or reason. ”Get out,” she yelled, barely able to look at them together, the coffee table a mess of where they’d been. ”But…” he blurted out. “I was weak while picking up some bits from CO-OP. I’m sorry. ”I don’t know why I did it. I’m sorry. I really am,” the chided man muttered, repentantly as he walked out the door. The woman sat down. She wasn’t going to let this ruin her lunch. She pushed the empty Rustlers microwave burger wrappers into the bin and started eating her sandwiches. Welcome to VG247 Best Games Ever Podcast, Episode 10: Best game that is really bad.
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Please do let us know what you think of the show – and if this is your first time listening, do go back to listen to the previous episodes. If you’ve got suggestions for topics, we’d love to hear them. We’ve got a vault full of existing ideas, but about 98% of them are terrible, 1% are unrecordable, and the rest are just about passable in a pinch. “What is VG247’s Best Games Ever Podcast?” you ask while pondering a Rustlers for lunch. To get straight to the point and to quote myself from last week: “It’s a 30-minute panel show where we decide the best game in a specific category.” More importantly, please don’t eat a Rustlers. You could pick almost any other item of food and come out the other side in a better place. We’ve got some details on the show’s content below (if you want to get a refresher before heading to the comments to make a wonderful, considered post or don’t want to listen but do want to know what games we picked), so if you want to avoid spoilers, don’t scroll past this fan-made creation of what Chris Bratt would look like if he was every enemy in Operation Wolf (Support friends of VG247, People Make Games, on Patreon).
The Best Game that is really bad
This is the topic of Episode ten of VG247’s Best Games Ever Podcast. Here’s a rundown of who picked what.
Tom – Operation Wolf
A much-loved video game of the 90s, porting from arcades to pretty much every console and system that was around at the time, Operation Wolf on the Master System is the perfect game that’s good but also bad. You see, it was rock hard, and had to be played with a light gun to experience it at its best. Most people, me included, used a control pad. Sad times.
Alex – Deadly Premonition
So bad it’s good. Has any game ever perfectly summed up this saying more than Deadly Premonition. It somehow manages to combine a lot of fairly terrible things into a game that has a sizable, dedicated fan following. The fact that the sequel (seen above) so badly misses the mark is another testament to how all the planets must have aligned perfectly for this gem to come into the world.
Sherif - EDF
Earth Defense Force (EDF) is a long-running series where you essentially have to shoot waves of giant ants (and other giant things). That’s it. And it’s amazing. Give it a look and you might not get what’s so great about it, but trust when we say that this is one of the most fun you can have with a video game. It’s technically a mess (every version) and feels quite bizarre compared to the standards set and adhered to in most video games, but that is part of its charm. Let us know what game you’d pick and if you think all old games are bad, actually? If you like the podcast, please subscribe and leave a review saying how wonderful it is, and tell all your friends. Do a tweet about it, post on Facebook, hire one of those planes to fly a banner promoting it over a big sporting event. Come back in a week for another episode of VG247’s Best Games Ever Podcast. If you want more podcasts, you could do worse than checking out our friends at Rock Paper Shotgun who have the Electronic Wireless Show. Eurogamer has two shows (greedy!), Digital Foundry has DF Direct, Dicebreaker covers the world of tabletop gaming, and the Outside Xbox lot has Oxventure - A Dungeons & Dragons Podcast.