Well, it’s not just a meme, believe it or not. It turns out that when you have fifty total friends in Lost Ark you’re sent 1000 amethyst crystal shards - a valuable currency that can be traded in for a set of ultra valuable cosmetics including pets, glyphs for your boat ,and an exclusive mount. While 1000 crystal shards isn’t nearly enough to get your hands on any of those prizes, the lure of free loot has sent the player base into a fury. This craze has then snowballed out of control, as the player’s initial intention to bolster up their friend list with the help of the community has become a humungous movement. It’s also become a running joke across major cities, the vast ocean, and island events where players bundle up in their dozens. Everywhere you go, calls to add me dominates the chat often with offers of reward in return. This in turn has created a counter-add-me force comprised of people frustrated at the influx of spam in-game. While still paling in comparison to those desperate for friends, you can occasionally see spurts of anger erupt between the add-spammers and the counter add-me groups. As such, area chat has become relatively hard to use as of late while these two parties butt heads. The worst off are of course those in the middle, who are either resorting to manually blocking the spammers, or removing their chat from the screen. What are your thoughts on the “add me” spam? Have you just about had enough of it, or are you one of the spammers having fun with all the jokers and jesters in the chat? Let us know below! For more Lost Ark content, check out our guide on >how to get Harmony Shards, as well as our giant Lost Ark Best Classes guide!