It took a couple of days, but we finally have a video comparing the original, PS3 Demon’s Souls with the upcoming PS5 remake. YouTube user’s Joshua Gamez video below runs though the game’s tutorial area, which is the same one Sony showed in the gameplay reveal earlier this week. They even use the same exact attacks on the same enemies, running through an identical path. The difference in visual fidelity is obvious, but the video also helps highlight some of the aspects Bluepoint retained in the remake, and those the developer didn’t bring forward.

Some part of the “Souls jank” remains, and it’s mostly visible in a few of the animations, but Bluepoint also smoothed out some of the rougher edges around animation sync and motion. Of course, much of that won’t be put to the test until we have our hands on the final game, but it’s interesting to see a glimpse of Bluepoint’s approach here. Since the original reveal of the Demon’s Souls remake, some have criticised it for going overboard with visual detail, betraying the sombre atmosphere in the original for a more modern, clean representation. Demon’s Souls will be available on PS5 at the console’s launch beginning November 12.