Bluepoint Games said with Demon’s Souls, it wanted players to be able to play the game in a cinematic mode, or go for performance. The two different modes in the game have been known for a while, but the developers provided more details on the options. “We did two different modes in the game: cinematic mode which is a native 4K, which looks stunning, at 30 frames per second; and performance mode, so you can play a dynamic 4K at 60 frames per second,” Bluepoint told Polygon. “That is going to give you smoother animation is going to give you a little of that edge [in combat].” Along with being able to choose a cinematic mode, the game will also feature filters that will allow you to change the look of the game. There’s the classic filter which “harkens back to the PlayStation 3,” there’s also a noir filter which makes the game playable in black and white. The game will also feature a photo mode which is “exceptionally amazing in-depth.” In photo mode, the game will pause allowing you to take the perfect shot of your screen; however, when another player invades your game, it will notify you and will take you out of photo mode. A new video for Demon’s Souls was released earlier today and it showed off the area of Stonefang along with the Armored Spider and Flamelurker. You will be able to pick the game up on November 12 when it releases for PS5.