After the success of Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance’s re-release, the remastered sequel - which supports up to 4K resolutions - will be coming to PC (Steam, GOG, EGS), Steamdeck, all Xbox and PlayStation systems, and Nintendo Switch. Based in and around the city of Baldur’s Gate, the game features five playable characters and classes along with the ability to create custom weapons and armor. Through gameplay, you can improve your items by using runestones and gems and choose between four difficulty levels. Classes include the barbarian, monk, necromancer, rogue, and cleric, each of which will have to fight through hordes of monsters ranging from Hobgoblins, Ghouls, Golems, and Dragons while dodging attacks and evading traps. All versions of the game support local co-op play, while the Steam version will support Remote Play. If you have never played the game before, you can expect over 80 levels, hidden areas, hundreds of items to discover, fully voice-acted characters, hidden characters Drizzt Do’Urden and Artemis Entreri, and more. An exact release date wasn’t provided, but at least we know it’s coming this summer. Interested parties can now wishlist Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance 2 on platform-specific stores.