Larian Studios has told the New York Times Baldur’s Gate 3 development has slowed with staffers working from home due to COVID-19. According to the article, the 300 strong team was working well from home at first building levels and writing code. But as time wore on, some staffers had to work limited hours due to caring for their children among other responsibilities. This led to “reduced productivity and communication struggles,” and development also struggled due to “external partners closing or transitioning to remote work.” That said, the game is still on track for Early Access this year, and the teams are currently operating at 70-80% of “normal productivity.” “Development is proceeding,” said Larian’s chief executive Swen Vincke. “We’re just slowed down.” To see this content please enable targeting cookies. Manage cookie settings — Swen Vincke @where? (@LarAtLarian) April 21, 2020 When Larian Studios’ Baldur’s Gate 3 arrives in Early Access, players will have access to five companions. More will be added at a later date, but if you don’t want to choose one of the original characters, you can create your own. If you want to know more about the game, check out our previous coverage below.

You can play through Baldur’s Gate 3 using turn-based mode from start to finish Baldur’s Gate 3 is more than Divinity: Original Sin in a Dungeons and Dragons skin I watched Larian’s disastrous reveal of Baldur’s Gate 3 and it was glorious You can bang all companions in Baldur’s Gate 3, but romance is more than just a simple reward